Playing Ignorant...(2)

"Why? You want some...?" How could the man possibly miss the hunger in Mika's eyes when she looks at his meal.

With his left hand and arm holding a plate of barbecued buffalo and a bag of doughnuts, his right hand was free to wave a stick of buffalo meat in front of Mika's face.

"Are you willing to sell some?" If she could get some of that delicious food right now, she is willing to pay and little more for it.

"Nope! I just like watching your face when you see me eat this food...hahaha..." Throwing his head back as he laughed, the man did get to see Mika's hand come up and smack all his food to the ground as she was walking past him.

Feeling his arm was lighter, he looked down to see his buffalo and doughnuts covering the dirty ground, and only the one left in his right hand was saved. Mika even kicked to the bag of doughnuts while she walked.

Everyone on the street who saw what happen stood frozen. Even Jonas and Saavi didn't expect for Mika to do such a thing.