The Highs and Lows..(7)

Feeling refreshed and revived, Mika made her way around the estate.

With Lady Jaelah and her two she-devil daughters out of the household. She was freer to take care of the tasks that need her attention. Like inspecting the honey trees at the farm without many eyes turned her way.

On her way there the news about Lady Jaelah's and her daughters' dismissal from the clan had made its way around the household.

"Did you hear? He threw her out after the wedding..."

"I heard that she insulted him and he got so furious he threw them out!"

"Well, Lady Jaelah never did have a good personality..."

"That's remember the time..."

As she passed by, clusters of servants were chatting about what happened last night, not many were sad about Lady Jaelah and her daughters separation from the clan.

Only a few who were in Lady Jaelah's pockets, were sad to see their money bags gone, these included the elders.