School Starts...

"Silverleaf's High Institute for Talented and Technical Youth."

Standing in front off the school's entrance, Mika looked up and read the school's name from its signboard.

Saavi and Jonas had already gotten in line to register for the placement test, while Mika was still looking at the school's name.

"Mika!... Come on, you won't be able to take the test if you don't sign-in on time." Saavi shouted. She has gotten a lot better at calling Mika's name now after receiving too many warnings from her.

"I'm wondering if I should go to this school."

"What are you talking about!?" Was her young miss crazy! This is the imperial academy, many want to get into here. Saavi walked back towards Mika and stood beside her.

"Look at the school's name..."

Saavi turned around and looked at the sign.

" 'Silverleaf's High Institute for Talented and Technical Youth' what is wrong with it?"