Having gone through a time were she was ridiculed, despised and bullied. Being apart of the popular group in the school, had Mika giggling in delight.
More student from the blue dorm began to walk over to their little group to introduce themselves. Friends and rivals soon showed themselves. When the last of the dorm groups in the courtyard left and only the blue group was left, that was when Nylian decided to move out. He didn't say a word, just started walking in one direction.
About fifteen minutes into the walk the scenery started to change. Where there was once big academy buildings, now opened up to spacious landscapes with trees and flowery bushes, a giant lake, and mountains in the far distances.
The males students all smiled as the female students' eyes sparkled with glee.
Ten minutes later, Nylian bought them to a royal blue building, more like a mansion.