Calaena's Past... (2)

Mika didn't believe in coincidence, things were lining up too simultaneously for her liking. She felt like something was baring down on her, but she didn't know what.

"I need to go to Rowood City." Celaena stated again, staring into Mika's eyes, is this why I felt this pull when I first saw her?

Remembering back when she first saw Mika, not at the academy but on the streets of the capital city shopping district. There was something about Mika that drew her eyes. Something in the back of her head that said to stay close to her…

Following after Mika and Saavi as they shopped around, she overheared them talking about attending the Imperial academy. Seeing this as the prefect opportunity to find out what was making her so attracted to Mika, Celaena didn't hesitate in informing her brother of decision as she packed her bags to leave for school.