Honored Guests (3)

There were four people were sitting in front of him drinking tea with masks on their faces. However, he knew one person's face by heart even with the mask on. 

At seeing her so relax and calm without a speck of dirty on her, Ailwin was questioning the competency level of his army do guard the city's gates. If three students can enter a city without his men knowing, what else have they let in.

As Ailwin was planning out a new training regiment for his army, Mika was looking around the office in a carefree matter.

Just what have her parents been teaching her…? Seeing her like this reminded him of when he found her in Ash city.

"Why are you here? You should have stayed at…"

"At home...I know. Yet, when we heard your soldiers knocking on other citizens' houses, I thought we should try our luck in receiving help." Mika placed the mug of tea down on the table before her.