Prey vs. Predator?

As Ailwin was finishing the interrogation of the seven advisors, Mika was standing front of the Bizana clan residence.

"...umm, this looks familiar." Spinning three hundred and sixty degrees, Mika surveyed her surroundings.

"Damn, no feet are going to be barking by the time I make it back to everyone."

"'s funny how you think you'll still be alive by the end of the day." Ruven's voice sounded from above her head.

Looking up, she spotted him relaxing on the rooftop of one of the buildings in the residence's buildings.

"Ah, Advisor Ruven...let me guess, your the reason I'm her?"

*clap* *clap* *clap*

"Right you are!" Standing up, he held out his hand and spun in a circle, "How do you like this place? I picked it out just for your death."