No Going Back (2)

Hycis felt shivers run down his back at Mikaela's forewarning of the future.

Thinking back to before he left for the academy, many citizens in his town were suffering from lack of honey. It was a bad sight to see, but he never thought that that scene would possibly be the future of the whole country.

The people use honey from the trees for everything. It is the ultimate source of food, medicine, wares, energy...anything one can think of, the Fae uses honey to produce it.

"Isn't that a little dramatic, Mika?" He asked hoping someone in the room would prove her statement wrong.

"Hycis...right now the others Lords, like my father, are only able to get less than half of the sap that they use to. With the disease affecting the trees being an unsolvable the problem, it will only get worst from here."

"Then what can WE do? If the lords can't even figure out what is going on, how can we solve the situation that will affect the whole country…!?"