Meeting The In-Laws (3)

Sienna watched Prince Ailwin leave, without even getting to introduce herself. If it wasn't for Lady Delju holding her back, she would have chase behind him just to shake his hand.

"Sienna! Remember the plan…!" Lady Delju pinched her daughter's arm to stop her from following the Prince with her eyes.

"Ow! I know, you don't have to pinch me!"

"Your father is coming this way! Watch your behavior…" Delju put on the pitiful expression she had on earlier.

"Mano...your courtyard…"

Mano walked back to his wife and daughter and sighed.

"I know. It's unlivable now. You two will have to relocate to a different courtyard until I am able to get it repaired."

"...but...but all our things were in there! We have nothing, just the clothes on our backs...Mano." Lady Delju and Sienna had long dropped the blankets from their shoulders, leaving their bodies to face the early evening air in the semi-burnt dirty clothes.