Sticky Situation (5)

The first thing Lady Lyra notice when she arrived at the bathroom behind everyone else, was the feel of different powers sources flowing in the air. However, there was only one that felt familiar to her.


 Pushing to the through the crowd of soldiers and guards, Lyra made her way to the front to see Mika slowly torturing Sienna.

She didn't care very much about Sienna dying, what had her upset was Mika using her gifts in front of everyone.

"Mikaela...Crystalmist...Amara." She needed to stop her before she does something even more stupid.

Hearing her mother calling her by her full name, caused Mika to release her hold on her sister.

"Aaaah!...Papa! Help!" Sienna shriek.

Seeing his daughter was about to become a pancake, Mano was quick to slow down her fall to the floor.

Lyra didn't trouble herself with the falling girl, she only cared that Mika wasn't harmed in anyway.