Leaving the honey situation to her mother, the next problem Sienna needed to solve is her financial situation or lack there of.
Since she and her mother had burned everything in their last residence, they were left with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
Damnit! Why did I listen to her back then...
Looking in her closet, there was not an item she could sell that would give her much credit.
Frustrated, she knew she couldn't ask her father as canonesses don't need substantial funds for their lifestyle.
Sienna sat on her bed thinking hard about where she could get the funds to at least get her to the temple, when her eyes captured a beautiful vase placed at the edge of her vanity table.
She didn't need to think twice as she walked over picked up the empty vase and examined the vivd colors and exquisite design.
I can probably get half the original cost for this…