The King's Illusion (3)

***Warning Graphic Content***

"I ask again... Do you think you are funny?" 

Mika straighten her back and dust off her gown.

She looked over at the King as she stood up from the trampled brushes. Luckily, she had quickly manipulated the air to soften the blow and her fall, or she would not be able to stand up right now.

Rychell slowly stepped towards her, "You have talent, I admit, but you think too highly of yourself. Did you get this from him?"

Mika could feel another intense force of energy coming at her.

"Did he make you think you are special…?"


This attack was faster and stronger than the former. It threw her up towards the stained glass doom. Within a few centimeters from touching it, she fell back down towards the gardens below.


"To him you are something to be loved, but to me you are less than the dirt beneath my feet."