Magzor slowly staggered back to the inn. His body hurts even more now after walking and shouting all morning; and his stomach was completely empty. He needed food now.
When he enter the inn the waitress smiled his way, "Mid-meal or have you found another place to eat?"
Magzor had looked around at the eateries on the way back, but most of the food looked and smelled like they got it from their own lavatories.
The waitress was right, their inn has the best food in the village.
Smiling at the female, Magzor asked her to bring his meal upstairs.
Sore and in pain, Magzor made it to his room and sat down on his bed. He needed to clean his wounds before he could apply the cream the healer gave him.
Waiting for the waitress to bring him his food. Magzor immediately asked her to bring up water before she could leave again.
The waitress took one look at the dirty male and nodded her head as he placed a coin in her hand.