Unlikely Companions...

Lady Delju didn't tell Kamryn when she was leaving. However, the minute she stepped of the village and stood at the entrance to the forest Kamryn was there.

Having received her clothes days before, Kamryn had decided to get new luggage. She couldn't continue to carry the chest on her back.

Hiking to the nearest town she bought a good quality bag that could fit all the things she has and recently bought comfortablely inside.

Happy with her purchase and on her way back to the inn, did she see Lady Delju running out with a smile on her face as she clenched something in her pocket.

Know Lady Delju and her greedy ways, Kamryn's heart gave a lurch as she took off running back towards her room in the inn.

Swinging open the door, she ran to the bed to searched for her things.

"If that hag stole even one thing from me…"