Sign Here, Here and Here...

King Magzor placed his cup on the table in front of him. He wanted to ask for another, but his manners were coming back to him.

"Why can't this honey be found anywhere in Kaia?" He wanted to know. 

"This honey was sourced from my honey trees in Crystal City. Kaia doesn't have them…. I'm not sure if this Kingdom has any honey trees left, actually." The last part Mika whispered, but in an silent office it was as if she said it out loud for everyone to hear.

"What do you mean by that?" Magzor looked at the young female then at Commander Zo.

"I believe I have told you this before King Magzor when I ask for you to join hands with us." Zo was indifferent to Magzor demand for answer. Quite frankly his was tired to dealing with the old male. He didn't see the need to answer any more of his questions. 

Zo left the male in his granddaughter's hands. She better at conning people than I am, anyway.