Found You...

The sun was being to set as two cyks drove across the open plains side by side. It took sometime to get use to riding them, but once they did. They ate up the distance quickly.

"Kamryn, let's stop for today." Lady Delju shouted over the wind whipping her in the face.

Kamryn looked over and nodded her head. They were making great headway. Now that they have the two cyks, they could afford to take longer and more breaks.

Noticing a spot close to a hill to settle for the night, they parked their cyks and loaded their bags. Pulling out their blankets and dinner they made camp and started a fire.

Sitting around the campfire, Kamryn decided to pull out her map to see how much further they need to go before reaching Lady Delju's old family's estate.

"I think we can reach the Amara clan in a week if we push it." She told Lady Delju as she passed her the map.