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As Ailwin and Braeden were outside on the wall try to take down the cannons. Commander Zo and Mikaela were keeping their eye on the eastern wall.

"Even though, Ailwin and Braeden have been able to blow up two cannons so far, the eastern wall is still taking a heavy beating." Commander Zo said as he monitored all the reports coming in and placed the information down on the map of the city.

Mika studied the markings before her on the table. 

The Kaian army is focusing all their artillery power towards the center gate while pushing a large amount of foot soldiers towards the two sides gates. 

Ailwin went to the eastern gates and Braeden went to the western gate to fire at the cannons, but this doesn't relieve the pressure coming from the foot soldiers. The western and eastern gate are still holding, but the question is for how long?

Mikaela was staring down at the map for so long that Zo thought she had come up with something.