War Is Over?

Saavi and Mikaela ran back to towards the city, fighting every enemy soldier that tried to stop them along the way as Ailwin and his snipers provided cover from the wall.

Commander Zo and General Gilwenys begun to push the enemy back, and with the catapults gone their situation doesn't look as dire as it once did.

The oldest General in the Kaian army, came out of the command tent and stared at their dwindling army, the damaged weapons and finally at the setting sun. He could see that time was running out for them, but their soldiers will not be able to fight the enemy anymore day.

Their soldiers are tired and hungry from fighting all morning. If he were to order them to also fight at night, there would be nothing left for their soldiers to give. They would be sheep to  slaughter.

Walking back inside the command tent, he ordered the other six Generals and his Captain to call the soldiers back.