Inside The City

At the gates, there wasn't much to see as the battle had moved towards the city's center. Only a couple of skirmishes were left at the wall.

Thallan and his friends walked through the main gate. As they entered the city, their eyes first saw all dead bodies of the fallen soldiers. Some had been half eaten, others died from the monsters' claws, and the ones who were injured began to transition into becoming one of their little creation.

For Gwen, it is a beautiful sight.

However, for her friends the sight of the rebuilt city is a feast for their eyes.

"Wow...this is something else…" Aria stopped in her tracks. Looking towards the steps that lead to the top of the wall, she started to climb.

Fir and Thallan followed as Gwen fed some of the soldiers the rest of her serum to speed up their transformations.

At the top of the wall, there were more dead bodies lying around but that didn't deter them from enjoying the view of the restored city.