Taken aback by Narbeth's answer, Lady Jaelah stood up straight. "What... You have a problem with ruling the country together with me?"
"Why? Did...did General Pho talk to you already?" She asked suspiciously since he was turning down her offer.
"No, not yet but I'm sure he'll get in contact with me soon, and when he does I'll tell him the same thing I'm telling you… No, thank you." Narbeth stood up and went to fix himself a drink.
Jaelah stared at him in shock. "Why not? I'm giving you a chance to be King!"
Narbeth responded to Jaelah with his back to her. "No, you're not giving me a chance to become King. You're giving me the chance to become your puppet."
He turned around after fixing a drink and held the glass out for her to take, "Right?"
Jaelah took the drink offered to her and down the contents in seconds. "What wrong with helping me to rule the country? You don't think I can't do it but General Pho can!"