
Lady Jaelah shouted as she ran down the hallway pushing the panicked servants and guards out of her way

"Move! Out of the way!...Move!" 

With a glance over her shoulder, she saw a sword coming straight at her back.  Making a mirror in front of the soldier, the male's sudden attack ricochet back towards him.

"Ack!" The soldier yelled as his arm went numb and his sword flew backwards.

With the attack backfiring on them, Lady Jaelah put a little more distance between them.

"Get her!" The captain shouted when she turned the corner to go down several flights of stairs.

Once I reach the ground level it's just a little more til I'm at the shuttles.  Jaelah use all of her strength to reached to aircrafts.

Realizing that she is getting away from them, the captain threw a vase at her. It hit her hard in the head, making Jaelah lose her balance and tumble the rest of the way down the stairs.