Control Crumbles

Ailwin and Saavi sat in a small rover as she traveled across the border of the Steppes and into Kaia Kingdom.

They were sixty miles away from the General Narbeth's fortress and fifteen away from General Pho's army outpost.

"We are going to need to detour in the next two miles to bypass the encampment." Saavi said showing Ailwin the map, which indicated all of Pho's camps that Narbeth's found around his fortress.

"Okay, after we make this turn, see if you can get in contact with General Narbeth." 


For the next couple of miles afterwards, they followed Narbeth's directions to his fort through a hidden road and back entrance.

Once they were inside, Narbeth quickly showed them to his office with his son, Bihice.

"I was able to contact the some of the noble clan leaders. I think they will be more open into listening to you rather than the Military clans, who families and soldiers are still in Pho's hands."