Next Time

Commander Zo had his men set up command inside the palace once General Jannalor let go of the reins.

Zo wasn't surprised at how easily the General gave up. The country's problems are way out of his range to solve. Zo could tell that the General was probably thinking of giving up the throne in the next couple of days even if they didn't show up.

Although General Jannalor had ordered his men to stop fighting and lay down their weapons, many saw this as a sign that their General and his family are in trouble and made a last-ditch attempt to rescue to city from the intruders.

However, General Jannalor pleaded to go out onto the streets himself to prove he is in no way harmed or threaten,  to save his soldiers lives.

Commander Zo was willing to let the General speak to his soldiers to calm them down, but reminded the male that he will attack if they continue their actions.