Dropping the Guillotine

However, General Pho gave one glance their way as he spoke to camp "Those of you who are packed and ready to leave, line up!"

The lower nobles and merchants began lining up to the chuckles and confident smirks on the higher nobles' faces.

When everyone was in order. General Pho looked at the other nobles about to have breakfast and then shouted, "Move out!"

Suddenly, the faces of the higher nobles were no longer as confident as the were a few minutes ago.

When the party got further and further away, some of the Lords and Ladies began to panic. A couple of the Lords got into a rover and raced to stop General Pho and his soldiers from moving.

"General Pho!... General Pho!..." They shouted from the windows but the party kept moving.

Finally one of the Lords were able to flag down Paeris.

"Lieutenant, what is the meaning of this!" The lords yelled.

"What do you mean?" Paeris looked at then condescendingly.