In Exchange

Haryk held a cold pack to his head were a knot form from where King Neia hit him.

"Unlock the navigation system."


After take off, Haryk pushed the air carrier to its highest speed to get across the border of Biden Kingdom as fast as possible before the palace soldiers would noticed.

Neia had been knocked to the floor during the initial lift off. He never though his son would fly off out of the palace after being caught by him.

He took all his strength to get off the floor and wrestle with Haryk for control of the vessel, but his son was able to lock the controls before he could change course.

"Open it, Now!"

"No. If you want me to drop you off somewhere, I can...but first you need to move away from the controls panel." Haryk stared at King Neia with a smug look.

"WE are going back to Biden Kingdom, where WE have some matters to discuss." Neia grabbed the collar of his son's shirt.