Mikaela strolled home enjoying the night breeze. She knew once the war started the crisp smell of the land and hint of salt on the winds from the seas will be washed away with the odor of smoke and blood.
I should enjoy now while I still can.
Taking a detour, she decided to get some street food before heading home to eat dinner with everyone.
Reaching the city's market, Mika realized it had been months since she last walked through this area. It seems like things had changed a bit over night.
She could see the evacuations tunnels her mother has set up accordance to their plans. They were hidden from normal eyes, but to the trained eyes or those who know where to look, the signs were obvious.
Maybe a little too obvious, now that she looked at it.
Mika blended into the crowd shopping for goods and wares, slowly making her way closer to where one of the tunnels entrances were placed.