
[4:00 a.m. Seohyun's House]

[Seohyun's P.O.V.]

I looked ahead of me seeing a woman with silver hair like a bullet and red lips like fresh blood her skin was pale like snow. She was beautiful. She looked like a goddess sent from the heavens.. But I seemed to be wrong. I took a step then I heard a snap. I looked down at my feet seeing bones of a human. I looked at the woman who seemed to not notice me. I looked around and saw skeletons everywhere.. It seemed unusual seeing that a piles of skeletons are everywhere inside a white pure room.. I looked at the mysterious lady "Who are you?". The lady didn't respond. 'Well this lady seems to be difficult or deaf.'. I say it once more but louder "Who are you?!" I yelled at her. The lady turned around and smiled. "My name is Astraea I am the Goddess of Justice. I have summon you to save the world of "Reebon"." I looked at her in confusion. "We'll meet again soon.. Lady Seohyun.". Before I had the chance to talk she snapped her fingers which made me fall into a deep dark void. Before I knew it I was already in my room.

I looked around seeing if I was in the room full of bones. Relieved finding myself in my own room. I sighed in relief and checked the time. 'Holy moly! It's only 4:00?! I thought I slept in!'. I opened the curtains seeing but dark. The sun hasn't come out yet. I opened my door seeing if anybody at home woke up. 'Good nobody woke up yet.' I sighed in relief. I tiptoe towards the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I quietly went back into my room and closed the door gently trying not to make a sound. I go to my wardrobe and grabbed my school uniform. The uniform was a white shirt,a black skirt with a white rim at the bottom, a blazer which was black and had a white color rim, and black next tie. It looked plain but it wasn't my choice. I put on the uniform and grab a pair of black winter boots. I looked in the body sized mirror and nodded with approval. I grab my big winter jacket and a beanie from my closet and I quickly grab my bag. I walk towards my window and slowly open it. I throw down my bag from the second floor. I look ahead and see a sturdy tree branch. I get on my windowsill and jump to the branch. I reach the branch almost slipping from the ice. I balance my self on the branch and slowly make my way down the tree. I grab my bag and check the time. '5:00 It'll at least take me 40 minutes to the closest bakery and then to school with my bike..' I look at my bike, it was all dirty and the tires looked flat. 'Well seems like I won't be having breakfast'. I sigh in defeat and start to head towards the school.

I stop to if the school was in range. I see the school's rooftop meaning I was halfway to the school. I sighed in relief 'Don't have to walk so much now.' I start to walk towards the school again. Before I make a step I hear a car's horn. I turn around to see who was the person to honk the horn. I see a black mercedes with tinted windows. So I wasn't able to see the person. I look at the car trying to identify the driver. I give up and turn back around before I take two steps I hear the car's door open. I turn back around to see Lucas in the same school uniform as I am. "Oh! Hey Lucas! Didn't know you were the one in that car." I would grin. His face would turn a bit pink "Y-yeah! I was just heading to school, but then I saw you walking so I wanted to know if you wanted a ride." my eyes would widen. "No it's fine my school is just there." I point towards the school. "Oh.. Well I'll walk with you then." I would nod and wait for Lucas to catch up. "So Lucas? Why are you in a Oakwood High school uniform? I thought you went to Springdawn High school?" we would start to walk "Well I was originally supposed to go to Springdawn but then my family had a change of mind." "Oh. Well do you need a tour of the school when we get there?" "Uh.. Y-yeah but are you able to handle me and Adam?" I look at him. "My mind has been changed. I cannot handle two boys." I would walk faster. "Hey! Don't walk to fast!".