Weddings are fantastic battles part2

The doors caved in and landed loudly against the stone floor. I turned with an arm in front of Sam protectively. It was something I hadn't wanted to see for a long time. It was coated in clouds and storms. The very existence of thunder rumbled through the building. My eyes narrowed as a massive eye appeared at the doorway blocking any escape. "Od." I rumbled out. The bishop pulled a mace from beneath his robes and a shield from his back that I hadn't even noticed. The mace was covered in strange swastika shaped crosses. The shield like wise had the same symbol. "Who dares disturb this union while I preside over it!?" He bellowed out even as every dwarf man and woman stood. The women pulling knives and gauntlets from purses and side bags. My eyes widened slightly but I had grown to expect nothing less from the people who had literally had their city almost destroyed. They had become highly protective of things as it was.

The eye locked onto me standing before the alter and a bolt of lightning shot at me. I reached out a hand and absorbed the lightning easily. The eye narrowed. "You are the one who destroyed our shard. Come outside the city or we will level this place to the ground." It rumbled. I looked at King Kyle. "We?" I asked as I quickly looked back at it. Unfortunately the eye had already left the door and was floating across the sky to the plains. I stepped outside to see three behemoths standing in the plains before the City of Verst. One was coated in lightning and had no legs. The other was coated in tornadoes. The last was coated in waves of hurricanes and tsunamis. They all bore the same looks as the first shard of Od that I destroyed. Their six legs thumping on the ground. A humanistic face adorned each of their heads.

"We saw what you did to our brother. We will not sit by knowing you bullied and killed him." They rumbled in unison. Tornadoes continued to tear the ground apart as they unleashed their unconcious fury. I felt a hand grab my arm and looked down. Sam stood there with a worried expression. I smiled calmly and knelt to place a hand on her shoulder. "I'll be all right love. Just wait. Might be a little worse for wear when I get back but you'll see me afterward." I stood again and faced the behemoths. I spread my wings wide and flew to the cities outskirts. "Bring no weapon! We will see your skill with our own eyes and feel your blood spray across our own skin." One rumbled loudly. I sighed and continued flying out of the city without stopping to retrieve Dragon Cry. I soon stood on the planes. Three monsters stood before me. Each about 300 feet tall and monstrous to behold. They began to shuffle together. "Out of respect for our brother. We will show you our full might." They said in unison. Their frames liquified and flowed together into a single mass of flesh and storms. The storm elements in the sky began to rile up and shoot down lightning on Od as if showing resistance. But with each strike I could feel him gain power. And with every moment its form grew. Soon a titan stood before me. 900 feet of muscle and storms that raged like no other before. I saw an ecosystem of power that had formed into one monster. It was... exhilarating.

I felt an ecstatic smile come across my face as my form began to expand. My form reached a 11th their size. But my aura didn't lose out. Suddenly a clawed foot shot toward me. I rocketed out of the way leaving a blurred after image in my wake. I opened my wings and took to the sky. Lightning filled my body as it shot from Od to me. It struck hundreds of times like a bug zapper. But it did nothing. My speed increased as I opened a claw and shaped it into a blade to use. "Od. You made a massive mistake telling me not to bring a weapon. See. I am a weapon." I said as I brought the blade down on the joint of it's leg. I cut a third of the way through. Purple blood sprayed into the air and as clouds absorbed it. "Damn! I forgot about that annoying ability!" I grunted as I went underneath him. The lightning crackled more heavily as they took on a purple hue. "You will only hurt yourself further by hurting me mortal!"

I cursed as I unleashed the thing I didn't want to. The netherworld energy. I stopped my flight and spun into Od's body. My blade cutting and drilling through it's tail. The murky black energy flew from me and entered his body. It began to devour his energy like a ravenous black hole. He roared in pain as I drilled out of him again. His tail was shriveling quickly till it was a dried husk. It began to turn grey and dead till it eventually turned to dust. A black mass flew from Od to me and entered my chest with a sickening splat. (Gods I hate this feeling! ) I thought with a grimace. And then the power came. Roaring and rolling like a tornadoe demanding to be unleashed. A halo of power expanded from around me in an explosion. My wings had fully unfurled as a new rage fueled me. I felt and saw everything they had felt and seen to this point. From their separation to their brothers death. Eons of learning and growth. My muscles took on the muscle memories and my mind grew wiser with their age. I saw cities and civilizations fall. I even saw Aliana sink into the sea. I was suddenly brought back to the present.

"What did you do?!" Od roared out as it stared at it's dead tail. I looked down at my arms and legs. They had grown larger and more powerful. My height had increased by a few feet. I had grown to 15 feet tall. My weight had increased as well it seemed. A clawed hand suddenly slammed into me sending me hurtling into a mountain close by. "You will not defeat us as you did our brother! You will die today!" A multiplied voice roared at me. From the small crater in the mountain side I extended my hand out and moved some of the rocks out of my way. I flexed my arms and finally stood cracking my neck to loosen the muscles. I crouched and let fire coat me as I tensed every muscle. Od roared and sent a large bolt of lightning at me. I punched the bolt and scattered the power across the mountain. I had absorbed enough power for a bit. I just needed to flex it. I shot out of the crater and into the cloud by Od's face. I zoomed in and punched at the closest part I saw. His nose. His head rocked back from the force and I heard the ground rumble as he was knocked over. "You bastard!" It roared as it swiped at me again. The clouds had cleared from its face to reveal an obviously broken nose that was pouring blood. The clouds darkened further as the blood filled them again. "Why do I keep forgetting that?" I huffed unamused at what this annoying ability was. I flapped once and punched forward again. This time I was intercepted by a clawed hand that caught me. It wrapped around me and I began to feel a crushing pressure. Od laughed as he felt something click and me shout. On of my wings had broke under the pressure. That's when I had enough. I coated myself in the elements. Even the nether energy I hated so much. I shape shifted my entire body into sea urchin. The spikes sprang out and sank into Ods hand. And then my power unfolded. Demonic Fire invaded his system like a poison.

It Infected every cell and bone it came across. When it hit his blood stream it went wild. Od released me at that point as his hand shriveled and turned to dust he roared in agony. "You ruined a perfectly good wedding day! Now! You! Will! Pay!" I roared as I shifted back. I pounced onto his face and hammered it. Every punch fueled by my anger. His head slammed into the ground and I kept going. Even as he disintegrated piece by piece. Even his core. And with my last punch his face turned to ash and his cries ended. I stood there huffing as I glared at the dust covered ground. I suddenly felt something slither over my back telling me the nether flame had returned. Power flooded my body again. My form increased in size and strength. It flowed like a raging river forcing my arms to grow and my body to lengthen. I felt a burning sensation as I felt my body hit overdrive. Burning calories while it was moving materials. My stomache growled ravenously. I suddenly realized the mistake I had made. I didn't have enough stored up in me to grow. My limbs thinned and I began to look emaciated. I opened my mouth and roared at the elements. The earth poured energy into me healing any of my wounds that came. I began to scoop the dust that had been Od into my mouth consuming it hungrily. It wasn't enough. I turned and lunged at a mountain and began to bite and chew the stones and any animal close enough to be eaten. Blood and dust began to cover me as I bored through the mountain. I dug and ate, Dug and ate. Till I found something tender looking. A white snake tail covered in jewels.

I grinned a little as a memory came to mind of a serpent. A serpent that had suppressed me to an extreme. Pushing down my friends and I with its aura alone. The anger of that day came fresh to my mind like it had happened yesterday. I grabbed it with my arms and hauled it to my mouth where I began to eat it alive. An angry hiss came from further down the tunnel even as I ate. It wriggled and tried to get away but to no avail. My grip was stronger and I ate every bone and scale. It's taste was like chicken but with crunch on the outside. My mouth lit ablaze as I ate cooking everything as soon as it entered my terrible maw. Without me realizing my scales gained a gold color and jewels grew or merged with my scales and horns. I soon felt the snake stop struggling and lay limp. It had died in terror as I ate it. Not knowing who or what was attacking it. I kept eating still. When I finally got to the head of the beast it's eyes lay open staring at nothingness. I devoured it still. My stomache finally calmed down and my body which had grown rapidly was at least 100 feet tall and 30 feet wide. The tunnel scraped against my shoulders as I went to find it's exit. I eventually found one which led out to an abandoned camp. Gluttony finally rang to life. / Bout bloody time you heard me! Congrats! You just ate the Calamity Class Blood Diamond Wyrm. You now have jewels and gold for skin! You have also entered Lower level Apocalyptic Class. Thought you ought to know./ It practically yelled at me. I winced a bit and examined myself. The gold that had previously been melted to my skin and scales was now merged with it. A single jewel adorned every scale individually making me looked like a pile of walking treasure.

"Well. I guess I dont have to worry about dressing up now." I said. I flew back to the city and found a crowd of people standing in front of the shattered doors of the chapel. I decided to send Sam a message. "Please have Hargo meet me at my room. I have to get redressed for the wedding." I said to the wind. A small cloud formed and carried my voice down to her elegant form. She quickly gestured to a small golden dwarf and he ran toward the castle. I flew to the balcony of my room and shrank my size down. I landed heavily and entered the double doors. I realized how late it was and began to dig through any fancy clothes I could find. I only found one thing that would cover my nether regions. A large loincloth with some sort of kilt attachment. It was adorned with intricate hammer etchings and a dangling anvil shaped trinket at its base. I quickly put it on and finally Hargo arrived. "So glad to see you lad! We thought you might've gone mad!" Hargo said as he ran in through the door. I shook my head with a relieved sigh. "Not yet old friend but Sam will hit my head with her hammer if I'm not down there soon." I said quickly. He nodded and called down the stairs. A group of dwarven women stormed through and through all manner of things on me. A robe to a cloak. A full suit of armor to just elegant leathers. It went on for a bit.

It was at this time that I realized how much I'd grown. My shrunk size now stood at 15 feet and my shoulders were nearly 5 feet wide. I was in trouble for clothes though it seemed. Soon I just settled for the only thing that fit. The cape. It was long, red, and had beautiful rose patterns across it. "This will have to do." I said and Hargo nodded. "Looking like a damn treasure trove. Who wouldn't want to marry you?" He grunted with a big smile. I sighed before I let out a laugh.