Chapter 7 Clue in a Weird Spot

My body was relaxed as I felt movement from right beside me as I heard a yell coming from the hallway. All I need was to jump off the bed with a loud thump on the wood floor. But it didn't take long for me to look around and see that I wasn't at home but at James'. The panic that was once there disappeared and I looked up to see James rubbing his eyes. He looked tired but got up anyways and held out his hand for me to grab. I took it and was lifted to my feet with no problem. James could have practiced this weekend and I would never think of it before.

"Ruff start?" he asked with a kind smile.

"Yeah…" I said looking away with a blush. He was nice to let me stay here for the night, and I knew it was about time for me to go home. I breathed in and out to calm myself before speaking, but he knew what was happening. He went to his dresser and pulled out a shirt and sweats for me to wear for the day and did so for himself. It was nice for him to care, but what was I going to do? He let me have his hoodie to keep warm and now let me borrow some of his clothes.

I took them and head to the bathroom in the hallway and locked the door behind me. There was still a question in my mind, and it was the fact of James knew that I cut. It was something that made me feel human with pain instead of sorrow. All I could do now was wait till he says something about it and try to make up a lie or maybe tell the truth. Breathing in and out as I changed clothes and walked out with a frown. When I was out the door and saw the place that made me feel safe.

James, Mrs. Storm, Alice, and Luna seemed to be my family in my life. My father couldn't see me, and my mother was abusive. There was nothing that made me happy but being with them was different. The want of being happy came to me, but right now I had to get the idea of solving the murder done first. The hallway was simple and empty as I looked around for James as he left out of his room. The only other place in the house I went in was the living room connected to the kitchen. Mrs. Storm was there cooking up a storm of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. James was there with a plate as he was looking at his phone about something.

"Don't be shy dear!" Mrs. Storm called from the kitchen.

I honestly didn't know what to do now. I normally walk out of the house without anything to eat and lack sleep. Not wanting to be rude as I took a seat next to James and waited. The thought of eating food was different for me as I had to pick up my check that day. Soon as I got up to leave, James followed right behind. He had his normal smile, and I knew that saying no wouldn't stop him.

"Why are you following me?" I asked.

"I don't want you to walk alone," he replied as we walked outside. His house was Larger than I thought it was with white walls and a brown color roof. But over time being outside made my skin shiver as I forgot to put James' hoodie on or even take it with me. The thought was that he could keep it and I didn't have to worry about it again. But the feeling of the wind made me shiver and I think he noticed as his arm wrapped around me.

"You should have grabbed my hoodie," he laughed.

"I forgot," I mumbled.

"Well let's get your check and head back home," he smiled

"I was hoping to go home today." I smile softly.

"Okay…but" he started to speak but stopped with me walking a little faster. I knew that he saw my arm and maybe he is scared to let me be alone.

"I'll be fine," I answered as I walked towards town. It hurt him, but I had other plans in mind. I wanted to look at the crime scene and see what was missed by the murderer or police. Knowing that I was up to something and wouldn't leave me alone till I get home. So, I was going to have to fake it for a while and go home. The thing was that she was going to be there waiting for me as a beating of a lifetime was going to happen.

As we walk the sky had a few grey clouds and Milo and Jacks were near the railroad tracks. This was different as I had time to take care of me a bit but would end with me finding another job. James stayed with me all the way and never questioned why we went to a bar. Hanna stood there smiling to see me once again and the same with my boss Jack.

"Good timing," Jack smiled as he placed an envelope on the table. I knew what it was and walked up to grab it.

"Thanks," I replied, thinking about what needed to be done. Money wasn't easy to come by with my mother and rent.

"You better go off with your boyfriend now," he laughed as I blushed at his words. James was standing near the door, trying to find out why I would work there. "Be careful out there."

"I'll try," I smiled and ran towards the door. Grabbing James along the way and heading towards the place that would be called home. Fear shook my body as we got closer to my house. It seemed like no one was home, but I could always be mistaken. I thought about staying with James for the day, but I wanted to figure out who killed Lize and Marry. The closer I got to the house the sounds of bottles crashed into my mind. He was going to know what happens to me as I have gotten closer.

"I want you to stay outside," I stuttered as I walked closer to the door. Hoping that she was in her room or away from my bedroom.

"Why?" he asked.

"You'll know pretty quickly," I sighed and walked to the door. I was going to tell him to leave, but it was better to not go alone. If she was going to hurt me, I could always run towards James and make our way out. Soon as I was inside and seen that she wasn't around as I headed towards my room. I had my school bag with me as I packed some clothes, a charger, and a notebook with the threatening note. On the way out I heard her move from her room and into the living room. The only place I could get out was my window and took the chance of not dealing with her. She was drunk and was in a fit with the crashing of bottles onto the floor and walls.

Why I was here was crazy as I took my leave. James stood there waiting for me to leave out of the house as I ran. She knew that I was there when I dropped something on the ground. Taking his hand and running to the crime scene was all I could do. I wanted to find something about the killer or even a clue of who it could be.

But at the moment, I was panicked as I ran for what seemed to be my life. James had a feeling of why but waited for the best time to take to me. As my stamina ran low and gave up on running near the bridge where the cars can go over the tracks. It was the one place that made my skin shiver at the thought of the smell and the looks of the bodies.

"Caroline," James started to speak, "Why are we here?"

"I want to know who killed them," I mumbled as I walked towards the chalk outlines of the bodies. They had to miss something or maybe the killer left a message like the note. I looked and looked as if I held an old phone to take photos. But it finally clicked for me. The bodies were set up for me to find and for the killer to follow me. The note said I was next, maybe I was going to be his next victim.

"Why would the killer be after me?" I asked myself as James looked at me weirdly.

"Should I ask?" he said and hoped that I would tell him something.

"When I got home from the police station," I spoke, "someone was following me and staying tick-tock over and over. But when I got home and looked if someone was there. The only thing was is the mailbox flag up and the lid open."

I dug in my bag for my notebook and pulled out the note written in marker. His face paled as he read the words "Your Next". I wanted to put him away for his crimes and try to find peace for once. All I know is that he was after me and me alone. But if someone else is being hunted by this guy, I had to know who it is. James was upset as I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"You should have called the police!" he said loudly.

"In my mind," I sighed, "I want to get him first. Making sure that they are in jail and never come out."

"You can't do it alone," a whimper came from him. He was worried about my safety, but I couldn't let him or anyone help me with this. I put my hand into his and sighed. He knew my answer and didn't like the idea as he started to pull back. "You should go home."

He didn't say anything as he walked away from me. I might have lost someone as a friend, but I didn't want him to be involved. Soon as he was gone, I looked around the area for something. There was some trash on the ground and an old warehouse with old furniture. Going side seemed like a good idea at first with it being the perfect place to hide evidence. It was dark, but I could still see the ground. There were two things on the ground at the front door. It was like they were waiting for me to find it. I picked up a necklace, carved with the words "Best Friends Forever". It had to be one of the victims the killer killed, but the note on the ground was weird.

"Caroline. I hope you're enjoying my little hunt. The thought of you dead is my dream, but I won't do it so soon. I have others to kill first as you watch helplessly to save them. Tick Tock, you're running out of time. Love you're soon to be killer". This note made my skin shiver as I looked at the necklace. Taking photos of the necklace and taking it to the police station was the best thing I could do. It could give them a lead and it was better to keep photos and notes out of anything. To me, it was weird where I found these items, and made me scared to know where the killer was at.