It’s time to Move On

"Yes, almost all other boys of your age have already married and have babies. I am keen on seeing my grandchild! Why must you delay and make your parent sad?" Mother Yang was firm with her plans, and since this was one of those rare opportunities when her son came home, she would never let it go in vain. She tried every possible way to convince him to go on blind dates.

Yang Xinyu put his hands up, and exasperatedly agreed! 'Okay! I will!"

Mother Yang happily exclaimed! "Thank you…Ah! Xinyu!"

She had already mentally started making plans as to which girl should he meet first.


Mrs. Yang or Yang Chún qiàn was married at a very young age of eighteen. Her father was senior Yang's father's business partner and held a large number of shares in the company. To consolidate the business further, the two decided to get their children's married. For this reason, Yang Chún qiàn never received a college education. She was an elegant woman with an open mind.

When she had married Chairman Yang Ming-Chang, everything wasn't that smooth. Yang Ming-Chang was dissatisfied with his wife and disliked her since his marriage was out of compulsion. He started having extra marital affairs one after the other. By the time Yang Chún qiàn had their son, his first mistress had given birth to their daughter. He had had two more mistresses who each gave birth to a girl and a boy. The boy from his third mistress was the youngest at fifteen.

Initially Yang Chún qiàn couldn't say much as she was afraid that Yang Ming-Chang would leave her and the company's shares would suffer in the market. There was a point of time when he brought his mistresses at home and gave them separate rooms to stay.

However, as the time passed Yang Chún qiàn realized that no matter what, Yang Ming-Chang didn't have the guts to leave her, and she became dominant.

At one point of time she even dragged his second mistress out of the house and threw her on streets with her daughter! She threatened her husband that if she sees any of his mistresses' in or around the house, she would not hesitate in divorcing him and taking away the only legitimate heir of the business Yang Xinyu with her!

Realizing the gravity of the situation Yang Ming-Chang had to keep his mistresses in separate apartments.

After that time, she didn't hear about either of them!

Since she had suffered so much she never forced Yang Xinyu to choose a wife from business families. She was of the opinion that he should marry someone he loves. And that was one of the reasons why she cherished his relationship with Ying Yue. But the episode with Ying Yue led her to doubt her perceptive...

So when Yang Xinyu recovered from his distress, she suggested that he goes on blind dates with the girls she knew about...


The conversation on the dining table became awkward as Yang Xinyu stopped talking after agreeing to his mother.

To make things less awkward, she continued, "Yang Xinyu, you must sleep here tonight. This is your home, and we will feel very nice if you stay here."

"Mmm..." came a monotonous reply.

Yang Xinyu didn't want to argue with his mom, so after finishing dinner, Yang Xinyu went upstairs to his room.

His room was very luxurious with a huge four-poster bed and a canopy in the center. It was a bespoke room designed expensively by the most famous interior designer, Eryk Nymen of City B. It had a color scheme consisting soft and soothing grays, whites and silvers that created a sparkly, luxurious feel. There was a grand chandelier dangling over the bed. The plush silver gray carpet begged for the bare feet, which would sink in it. It felt like waking up in a cloud in his bedroom.

The bedroom led to a "U" shaped walk-in closet, which was more spacious than some people's apartments! There was a flat-screen TV, a grand leather chaise and a small refrigerator. A chandelier that was touching the ground along with recessed lighting provided illumination to the closet. Light wood floors and shelves were filled with expensive branded clothes, shoes, watches, ties and other accessories.

The bathroom had ornamental elements. There were floor to ceiling windows with a panoramic view. The white marble floor gave it a unique and sophisticated appearance. It was a room which everyone would dream of!

Lazily, Yang Xinyu went in to take a hot water tub bath. After taking bath, he slowly walked towards the closet to dress in his night pajamas and a cotton shirt. Once changed, he ambled towards his bed and crashed on it. He missed home…

He had worked for most of the day, but it still felt like forever since he last touched her... He wondered idly what Wu Lina must be doing while scanning his room at the same time. His gaze fell on the fireplace mantel where an assortment of framed photographs was kept. He got up from the bed and slowly walked towards the mantel. There were photos of him when he was a toddler, a photo where he was holding the trophy of the best athlete in his school when he fifteen. As his gaze shifted to the right, he saw a familiar face… face of the person because of whom he had suffered both emotionally and physically… face of Ying Yue...