His Definition of Pretty

Yang Xinyu took the documents in his hands and started reading them. It wasn't a very thick file, but after reading a few pages, he threw it down.

"What happened CEO Yang?" asked Wu Lina.

"I cant read these any further. I don't think I can read anything. I don't think I can do anything now. Everything is over," he replied woefully. His voice was faltering.

Wu Lina picked up the documents from the floor and placed them in front of him. "Yes, you can read them. If you like I can read them for you. If you won't read them and start working, who will? You have to think about the Yang Corporation. If you won't read these, you, your firm, and me, all will lose from Ying Yue. Do you want that? Don't worry, I am there and we won't let that happen," she assured him.

"Ying Yue, Ying Yue…" he repeated her name contemptuously.

Wu Lina took the file in her hand, sat on the edge of the bed and started reading the report. He looked at her in amusement and saw that she was serious. He listened to her mellifluous voice for who knows how long. He wasn't concentrating on the contents of the report but was smiling inside…

Although Wu Lina volunteered to read the report, she hesitated at one point - the cost and sales graphs presented in it were like Latin to her. Even with a 180 IQ she couldn't decipher these mysterious curves and lines, so she wavered…

She paused and told him to read the graphs on his own.

Yang Xinyu chortled and took the file from her. He looked at the graphs. It took him five minutes to understand the data in there. He gave it back to her, not because he couldn't read it now, but he wanted to hear her reading it out to him.

Wu Lina was tired after reading the first five pages of the report, so she leaned forward on the bed beside his legs while her feet were dangling. Five more pages down, she had flipped on her stomach and was now half-lying on the bed with sandals on the floor and legs up in the air.

Yang Xinyu was watching her kindly with affection. He gave her a pillow so that she could keep it under her chest and be comfortable. But this arrangement made her drowsy. Eventually she slept beside his legs with the file still open in front of her. Her face slid to the side, mouth open and her legs that were up in the air had now fallen on the edge of the bed. She reminded him of his student days when a boring chapter would induce the much welcome sleep!

Yang Xinyu's lips curled up and he brought his hands forward to touch her hair and stroke them like he would do for a child. He removed all the pins that fastened her bun letting her long, silky hair tumble. Wu Lina must have been deep asleep since she didn't move at all.

He continued stroking her hair and caught a tendril in hands. "So soft…" he murmured. He bent forward and dipped towards her to take more hair in his hand… her sweet and tasty scent caught his attention. It was familiar and reminded him of simple childhood days. It was a connection to deep emotional cravings. It was a mixture of lavender and peach scent that made him happy and relaxed!

An hour later Wu Lina woke up with a yawn rubbing her eyes. She looked in front of her with heavy eyelids to realize that she had drooled over the documents she was reading for Yang Xinyu. She sat down and tried to dry the drool with her sleeves. She was very ashamed of herself, her cheeks turning pink.

"I am sorry CEO Yang…" she said closing the file embarrassed to the core. She realized that her hair were open! 'How did that happen?' Gathering her wits, she jumped out of the bed and collected the pins scattered on the bed. She excused herself and headed out of the room to go to the nurse station.

Yang Xinyu was biting the edge of a smile, a vain attempt to keep him from grinning. Did he have intentions behind those perking lips?

He wasn't into her at all when he saw her initially because he was too quiet, reserved and past feelings lingered in his heart.

As the days passed, he was slowly getting attracted to her, reading her face… her almond shaped eyes… nose slightly turned up… her luscious lips… her tiny frame… her thin waist… her height that barely reached his shoulders… her determination… her lively personality… her intelligence… she had the look of adventure… a spirit that was soaring…

She looked like his definition of pretty…

That day when she slept beside his legs while reading the documents, he felt strangely attracted to her. He had sniffed her and it made him want to move closer to her because he found it intoxicating. He was attracted to her with a heady trance like the one that brings a butterfly to nectar. He had to resist an urge to pull her up and make out with her in the sheets.

'So she was just twenty-one.'