Grinning Foolishly

He made her turn to him and then lifted her face. "Tell me, Lina. I want to listen. This pain is affecting my everyday life." 

"I cannot," was all she replied. 

"Is there some other man in your life?" he asked narrowing his eyes and becoming suspicious about her. It angered him so much that he tightened his embrace. 

She shook her head. 

He left and and then in frustrated voice said, "Then, tell me what is it, for God's sake!" 

She buried her face in the pillow. She was feeling as hurt as he was and knowing what was causing so much tumult in their lives made her even more miserable. 

He brought his hands to her hair and stroked her. Slowly, she brought her hands down. 

Yang Xinyu let out a groan, and soon reached his climax softly moaning in her ears. He tried to concentrate on his sensual pleasure. His mouth became dry, his muscles collapsed and he continued to come and come.

He let out a loud sigh. Once he ensured that his last drop went in her hands, he removed it slowly from her. He rolled down on the bed and lifted her over him. He stroked her back tenderly as though she was a precious treasure.

He knew she was sobbing now and tried to quiet her. Her tears fell over his chest making his skin wet. "Shushh… don't cry…" he smelled her hair and felt secured once again. In the middle of the night only her sobs could be heard. She felt horrble for her and for the man who loved her this crazy, the man who was with her. But ironically, couln't be a part of her life... The world had gone against them from every side. 

She cried for what seemed like a century. Her tears dried and then she just whimpered occasionally muttering something to which he didn't pay attention.

His arms and legs were snaked around her in a vise like grip. She didn't have the strength to move so she stayed on top of him until she dozed off.

Her tiny frame and petite body was soothing to his nerves. He laid blissfully post-coital… while she slept gloomily… often shuddering…

Later, when he no longer felt her movement, Yang Xinyu raised slowly and covered them both with quilt …

Throughout the night, he would pick her back on him whenever she slipped down his body… he wanted her to merge into his frame… his soul… he couldn't let his woman go this time… he would become insane if Wu Lina left him... what he felt for her was beyond love... beyond any explanation that existed in the world...

In the morning the light came through the window and he woke up slightly squinting. He raised his head and saw her head slid down his chest, her lips lightly brushing his nipples, leaving her saliva on them. He was aroused.

He held her and cradled her on the bed while she was still sleeping. He softly turned her on her back and pressed her lightly with his body weight. 

She curled up over him. He removed the quilt to rise from the bed and go to the bathroom. Standing back he saw her beautiful naked body covered with hickeys. "You are mine," he whispered. He covered her with the quilt and went to take a shower.

In the bathroom he used her brush to brush his teeth. Her bathroom was very small, yet he enjoyed taking a shower.

When he came out she was still sleeping, perhaps tired from the previous night. He dressed and left for the office.

He went to his lounge directly to change into a fresh pair of shirt and pant. When he came to the office, he was grinning foolishly.


Wu Lina came to the office a little later at about 10am. She was wearing a white shirt coupled with an olive green trouser. She had swept her hair in a messy bun, her loose hair strands revolting, falling on her cheeks and neck. She looked like a teenager in the office setup.

She was under the weather and decided to immerse in her work in order divert her attention. She hoped not to meet him today…

She went to her workstation and immediately booted her computer. There was a lot of work that had piled up in the past three days.

She became so engrossed in her work that she didn't notice when lunchtime approached.

Zhou Zhili came to her desk and patted her shoulders hard. "Xiao Lina!" she shouted excitedly! "Come let's have lunch together in the office cafeteria."

Without waiting for her to save her work, she pulled Wu Lina out of her chair and dragged her to the cafeteria. They were pretty engrossed in talking with each other catching up on the gossip of the past three days. Zhou Zhili was telling Wu Lina how CEO Yang was having a temperamental phase for last two days and how today he was in a better mood when all of a sudden they bumped into Yang Xinyu. Zhou Zhili bit her tongue hoping he hadn't listened her ranting to Wu Lina.

He was surrounded by a group of managers, talking to them about some new overseas investments. They were also waiting for the elevator. He was taking them out for lunch in a club owned by the Yang Corporation, which was located nearby.