The Party (1)

Yang Xinyu stormed outside and marched to his car. Others in the group could barely keep up to his pace and had to run after him.

He asked the driver to give him the car keys and sit beside him in the passenger seat. The driver was petrified! He couldn't say a word and just did what he was told to do.

Driving at a lightning speed, Yang Xinyu dashed to the downtown. He had to murder Brother Zhang today! Even though he was tired he stepped on the pedal. On the highway their speed attracted the highway patrol. They trailed him for fifteen minutes before they could catch him. The patrol police would bring the car beside his car and indicate him to stop. But Yang Xinyu was in such a fenzy that he didn't notice them. The driver noticed that the patrol police had indicated them to take the car on the side third time and the CEO wasn't paying attention. Slowly he looked at the CEO and with a feeble voice he said, "CEO Yang, the police is trailing us."

Yang Xinyu turned his head towards him giving dangerous glares. The driver cowered and pointed in the direction of the patrol police that was now beside their car. Yang Xinyu had no option but to swivel the car to the side of the road and wait for the officer.

The patrol policemen sighed and parked ahead of them.

The two policemen came over and tapped the glass of the car, "Pull it down and step outside."

Yang Xinyu obediently pulled down the window of the car. The policemen knew his identity and immediately softened their stance.

"CEO Yang, good evening…" said one of them.

"Sorry, but you have to pay the fine for over speeding…" he added and started making a ticket.

Before the ticket was signed, Yang Xinyu took out several hundred Yuan from his purse, stashed them in his hand and stepped on the accelerator!

The policeman was baffled. He said, "It is much less than this…" Before he could complete his sentence, the car had sped away. "These spoilt brats!" he hissed.

The driver was silently praying to the god to arrive safely back home. He was making mental notes to visit the temple to offer his prayers to the lord almighty if they made back in one piece!

They had reached the city in straight forty-five minutes. The driver sighed a breath of relief!

But when they reached the city, they found that the traffic was crazily slow. It was crawling. Every main road was jammed.

Yang Xinyu changed his game plan. At one of the traffic lights, he got out of the car, asked his driver to go to the Hotel Black Rose and wait for his instructions.

Yang Xinyu then sprinted to the next metro station and bought tickets to reach the nearest point of the Hotel Black Rose.

When the metro reached the destination station, he dashed out even bumping rudely into a few people and galloped like a deer to the hotel. He reached there by quarter to nine. He was panting and huffing and puffing - the guards of the hotel were perplexed to see a customer in such a condition. He leaned against a door of the hotel entrance and first calmed down. Then he walked slowly to the reception area and enquired the way to the rooftop.

The receptionist recognized him, greeted him very politely and personally escorted him to the rooftop. Yang Xinyu saw that the party was in full swing. But who was 'Brother Zhang'? He thought angrily! After scanning the place his gaze fell on Wu Lina who was sitting close to a man in spectacles. He was leaning towards her and talking to her in an intimate manner.

Fuming with anger Yang Xinyu marched straight to him in a domineering way. The employees were astonished at his sudden appearance. Least bothered about everybody's reactions, he looked at Wu Lina, his eyes boring into her skull.

Realizing that someone is standing so near to her, Wu Lina looked up and froze for an instant. 'How did he know the venue?' Her heart was beating so fast upon seeing Yang Xinyu that she thought she would faint now! She was hoping that he doesn't create a scene here. Poor Zhang Wei!

All the female employees started shrieking, "CEO Yang, what a surprise! We are so happy to see you here. Come and join us please." This was their chance to be close to the CEO and who knows he might become interested in them emotionally!

Zhang Wei was most stunned. His plans for the night were falling apart in front of his eyes. In CEO Yang's presence, he couldn't propose Wu Lina. He had to maintain the decorum of an office gathering. His eyes watered and he swallowed his saliva. But how did CEO Yang come to know about this party? He didn't dare to ask.

"CEO Yang, please come and have a drink with us," he stood up and invited weakly trying to keep his misery at bay.

"Who is the birthday boy?" asked Yang Xinyu since he didn't know his name.

"I am," replied Zhang Wei raising his hand.

'Oh, so he is the one! And he was sitting right next to Wu Lina!' Yang Xinyu clenched his teeth.

If Yang Xinyu had a gun, he would have shot him right there.

Yang Xinyu went close to him, stood right in front of Wu Lina almost blocking her view from Zhang Wei, and shook his hands with him. "Happy Birthday!" he greeted impassively. Then shamelessly he sat in the chair that was previously occupied by Zhang Wei.

"Thank you," said Zhang Wei feebly hating CEO Yang for taking his seat.

All the men in the party quieted, while the women became ecstatic. The men gave jealous glares to Zhang Wei for being so lucky to have the CEO in his party. The women were more jealous of Wu Lina who was sitting close to the CEO. But they didn't pay much attention since they knew that the CEO hated Wu Lina.

One of them got up from her place and went near Yang Xinyu. She was drinking wine. She sipped her wine and offered her glass to him, "CEO Yang try this wine. This is Chardannoy. You'll love it." She said that in the sexiest voice with tongue rolling in her mouth.

Yang Xinyu stood up from his chair to face her. Much to her excitement he took the wine glass from her hand and 'accidently' poured the wine over her dress.

"Sorry," he apologized impassively.

She cowered, turned back to go to her seat and shrank in her chair. Wu Lina noticed this and shook her head for the poor soul.

The beverages and dinner was ordered. Beer and whiskey was flowing in between people around the table. Yang Xinyu was swiftly taking every peg of whiskey or vodka or gin that was coming Wu Lina's way. He stashed most of it in front of him and drank little to maintain his sobriety. Wu Lina was vexed! He was not letting a single beverage reach her.

Finally Wu Lina became so angry at his constant meddling that she got up to fetch beer for her from the other side of the table. Yang Xinyu couldn't hold her hand in the party so he looked at her with narrowed eyes and tried to stop her indicating her to sit back. Wu Lina arrogantly left her place and went to the other side where her female colleagues were enjoying. She picked a fresh can of beer, opened it and started chugging it down.