Her Cooking Skills

Yang Xinyu held Wu Lina under her arms and pulled her up. He kissed her, licked her lips and entered his tongue in her mouth to taste himself. His orgasm was beyond any explanation! His body was heating up inside. He wanted more.

His thighs tensed and he again slipped one finger in, then two and he saw her biting her lips to keep the sounds of pleasure from escaping her lips. Yang Xinyu kept kissing her as his fingers were sliding in and out. His bulging member was poking her there. It was fighting to get in her.

He couldn't wait any longer. He pulled her over him making her sit across him. Holding her hips he positioned her over his member, and then plunged his erection into her body. He supported her arms on his arms and she went up and down in a rhythmic movement, her breasts going up and down. Oh! How he loved them. He wanted to squeeze them, but he had to maintain her weight on his arms.

Lusting after her breasts, which he couldn't touch, his hormones raged to the extent that he started slamming her at a fast pace causing her to grunt and groan. Her nails dug his strong, rippled arms. He couldn't feel the pain, but he was on the edge. His hips and thighs tensed again and he came and came. He didn't release her until he emptied the last drop inside her.

They were both so exhausted with the excitement and love making that they slumped to the side shaking. She was smiling aware of the huge puddle under her and he was smiling now that Wu Lina was back. Oh! How he missed her and loved her!

He turned his face towards her and said warmly, "Lina, I am so lucky to have you next to me. I have missed you so bad! You know how to drive me mad and wild."

Then he stroked her face lightly putting the strands of loose hair behind her ear. He touched her nose and looked deeply in her eyes saying, "You have beautiful eyes. If I'll look into them for a long time, I will get hypnotized. So don't look at me for a long time." He covered her black, shiny phoenix-like eyes with his large palm and leaned forward to kiss her lips lightly. Sometimes he wondered whether she was Chinese or not… He always wondered at her larger than average size of the eyes and breasts!

Wu Lina chuckled. 'What a cliché!' she thought. "Yang Xinyu since when have you started speaking like a teenager in love. Those are typical pick-up lines," and she started laughing. Yang Xinyu's moment of deep emotional state was diluted by her light banter.

"Do you want me to pick you up again?" he asked provocatively.

Wu Lina tried to dash out of the bed, but was captured by a pair of strong arms. After a little bit of struggle she surrendered willingly and cuddled up next to him thinking that in fact she was so lucky to have this amazing, crazy, gorgeous, sexy man who was the CEO of a multi-billion empire next to her side. All of a sudden she became fearful of this dream like reality that she dreaded would slip through her fingers. She said in a low soft voice, "Xinyu, keep holding me like this."

Xinyu! What a lovely endearment. When was the last time she called him like that? Hmmm… we need to change it to something more personal. Honey? Darling? Love? Hubby? Yes!! Hubby sounds best! He had to work on it fast. For now Xinyu would do…

While Wu Lina was riddled with unnecessary contemplations, Yang Xinyu was in his best mood.

They kept lying next to each other blessedly until Yang Xinyu's stomach grumbled. He realized he was hungry. Wu Lina laughed at him and asked him to go and have a bath. In the meanwhile she would prepare dinner for them. Yang Xinyu suggested that they order a take-out, but she asserted on preparing a quick dinner. She had tofu and beef in the refrigerator and she decided on preparing Ma Po Tofu with beef and green onions.

Shaking his head Yang Xinyu let her have her way. He rolled out of the bed and quickly walked towards the bathroom. He wanted to get fresh as fast as possible because he was very hungry even though he knew that Wu Lina sucked at making food. So when she announced that she would be preparing dinner for them, he cringed and suggested that they order a take-away. But Wu Lina insisted, and he had to agree to her.

He was the CEO of the Yang Corporation that employed over fifty thousand people and they feared him. But when it came to his beloved's cooking skills, he acted like a chicken. He was always at a loss as to how to communicate to her that she is really bad at it! He decided to keep a housekeeper when they lived together. Or better still – he would employ a chef from a five star hotel.

While taking a shower he wondered what he should call her from now on. First he wanted to announce it to the whole world that Wu Lina was his and no one dare lay a finger on her. Lina… Hmmm…