I Will Repay You

It was the contract between Hospital Goldmine and his mother Yang Chún qiàn. He read the document, page by page, carefully. He was aghast at the language of the contract. The contract forbade any hospital employee from interacting with Yang Xinyu.

So this was the reason why Wu Lina was so restrained. She had been non-communicative for more than five months while she was still employed at the hospital. Finally he had to force her into joining his firm by making her sign a very strong, and a binding contract. She avoided him for three months after she had joined the firm.

He was pursuing her like a crazy person. But she was turning him down all the time.

He remembered that when she had joined the firm as a trainee, he was very excited to see her. All the trainees were personally invited to the conference hall in the west wing of the company to introduce themselves. There were twenty new trainees who had joined along with her. As per the norm, they had to introduce themselves to the officers in front of them and then shake hands with the CEO. When Wu Lina introduced herself, she spoke very little about herself as if trying to end the introduction before it even started. Yang Xinyu stared at her all the while. He wanted to ask her so many things.

Wu Lina ended her introduction with, "I can't thank you enough for giving me this opportunity and I will repay you in any way I can."

Working as a coder was a dream come true for her, although it was different that she didn't want to work with the Yang Corporation at that time…

When Wu Lina sat down after introducing herself, she didn't go to shake hands with the CEO. Other trainees thought that she is insulting the CEO, so one of them nudged her to go. Hesitantly Wu Lina went to him and shook her hands. Yang Xinyu didn't leave her hand staring intently at her.

"How will you repay me Wu Lina?" asked Yang Xinyu in a low voice.

Wu Lina tried to retract her hand from his grasp but failed. He squeezed her hand tightly as if he would break her bones and then left her. He watched her going back to her seat.


These two contracts were making her life a living hell! He understood Wu Lina's predicament now. She couldn't stay in his firm and she couldn't leave it either. She was waiting for the dooms day silently. His heart was filled with pity for her. He felt helpless. He wanted the time to rewind and amend things. She had been within his reach but he couldn't do anything he felt hopeless. He wanted to rekindle her heart but her insides must have been damp with all the unshed tears. No wonder she would cry every time he tried to go near her. She was scared. He knew she had pain inside but now it was visible to him.

He quietly got up from his bed and kept the file in his bag. He went to have some water and snuggled back with her.

"Wu Lina I won't let you suffer anymore," he promised silently. How could he not know about her trepidations? He kept chiding himself. He felt anxious, gloominess taking over him.

Once again he wanted her to be on top of him to calm his nerves.

But this time she pushed him away murmuring something incoherent and turning to the other side. He rolled over her to the other side and again tried to put her on him. When she rejected his moves again, he slid down to her breasts. Holding the exposed one in his hand, he squeezed it lightly before taking it in his mouth and sucking it. He didn't know for how long did he suckle it but he slept in that position.

Wu Lina woke up in the morning at eight. It was a Sunday and she had no intentions of getting up before ten. She wanted to turn her body but felt restricted. She couldn't understand what was this thing on her chest. She opened her eyes and saw Yang Xinyu sucking her. Irritatingly she pushed his face away and turned to the other side to sleep. Yang Xinyu opened his eyes in confusion as if his favorite toy had been taken away from him. He became grumpy. Lazily he rolled on top of her and went to the other side to nibble at his favorite toy before putting it back in his mouth. He went off to sleep.

They woke up at noon! Wu Lina had to push him away. She went to the bathroom to freshen herself. Yang Xinyu was also awake by the time she came out. She prepared the morning tea and took it to the bed for them to have together. Yang Xinyu saw that she was wearing her night-suit again and he frowned at it.

She needs to be more comfortable with me…

He sipped the tea and said, "Lina we have to decide something very important."

"What is that?" She asked focusing all her interest.

"We are lovers, right?" He asked.

"Hmmm…" She replied.

"You must call me 'honey' from now on. That's what the lovers call each other. They have cute names to call. And that's how we should address each other in public too" He said with excitement.

Wu Lina almost spat the tea on her hand. Has this man gone mad?

"How can I call you 'honey' in the office? It is going to be such a disaster! All the office girls will kill me! So NO! We will stick to calling each other with our formal names!" She disagreed.

"But I have thought about what I am going to call you from now on. I will call you my Sunshine, my Pookie!" He continued sipping more tea.


"Yes, isn't that cute? My Pookie!"


But Wu Lina didn't know that being in love indeed made people lose their commonsense.

"Also we need to make our relationship public". He said looking at her.

After listening to his statement her face became dark. Pain and misery shrouded her beautiful face. She shrank immediately and looked away tears forming slowly.