Ying Yue

Sofia, Bulgaria.

After breaking up with Yang Xinyu, Ying Yue left the country. Along with Yan Xiaojun, she had nestled herself in a small town located in the foothills of the Balkan Mountains. Her last minute confirmation to Yan Xiaojun was a decision she did not take in an impulse. Yang Xinyu wanted to trap her in a marriage. But she was weary of him. She wanted to get out of the relationship because Yang Xinyu had become possessive leaving her no room to breathe. Yan Xiaojun, on the other hand, was a playboy true to his image. He'd never had a steady relationship with any woman. Ying Yue and Yan Xiaojun were like birds of a feather.

The fact that he came to Bulgaria along with Ying Yue for a vacation was kind of an honor for her! If only she knew about their past…

Yet another important reason for her to leave the country was that she was pregnant. She knew who the father of the baby was. She wanted to get an abortion because at twenty-seven years she thought she was too young to have a baby.

The guesthouse where they were staying was very cozy. There was greenery all around it with vast expanse of land on the backside that opened to the beautiful mountains. As an artist she drew inspiration from Mother Nature. She could vividly imagine how to bring all this beauty in her art. And this creativity was the reason why she was so famous in the circle.

Yan Xiaojun had booked all the rooms in there for their privacy. The owner of the guesthouse was more than happy! He'd never had such generous customers.

Ying Yue was eager to get the abortion because she had heard, earlier the better.

She had not revealed this fact to Yan Xiaojun. But on the second day of their stay, after a session of sex, she told him lighting a cigarette, "Yan Xiaojun I am pregnant…"

Yan Xiaojun looked surprised. Surely it can't be his baby! She was also sleeping with Yang Xinyu. They were together for hardly a month.

"I don't want this baby," she said releasing a thick cloud of smoke from her mouth.

'So this was her purpose of coming on a holiday with me! She is cruel!' A wicked smile spread on his lips. He traced Ying Yue's nose and lips and said, "Sure."

He had been constantly scheming against Yang Xinyu to steal Ying Yue from him. He did a thorough research on her and approached her with an order. It was a huge order that involved installing mural paintings in his chain of restaurants. Ying Yue accepted the offer gladly. However, she could never understand the terms of the contract that said, she cannot disclose about this project to her beau! But then who cares if the order was worth two million Yuan!

She went to his office to sign the agreement and they celebrated in private in an elite nightclub located on the 47th floor of the 'House of Fengs'.

Ying Yue was an easy fish. It didn't take more than a week for Yan Xiaojun to sleep with her. He was overjoyed by the fact that he violated Yang Xinyu's girlfriend.

Yan Xiaojun changed into his shorts and shirt and hurriedly walked out. He had to meet the guesthouse owner to find out about the hospitals around the area.

"Yes, there is one," said the owner in his broken English. "But it is five kilometers away," he added.

"How can we reach there?" he enquired.

"Well, you can take my car!" he replied with a smile.

"Thank you!" Yan Xiaojun beamed a smile and asked for directions.

It was already evening so he decided to drive to the hospital the next day early in the morning.

Back in the room he gave the information to Ying Yue who readily agreed. She was now looking forward to go to the hospital.

She knew that if she had told about her pregnancy to Yang Xinyu he would have put heaven and earth together to stop her. He was fond of babies and was of the opinion that babies seal your relationship permanently. For him aborting the unborn was a form of spiritual self-harm and bringing the child into the world where it could receive the love was a blessing.

Yan Xiaojun came beside her and held her in his arms. "Do you have second thoughts about it?" he asked.

"No! I am certain that I want abortion. I have come so far with you…" rest she didn't have to say because Yan Xiaojun understood.

Ying Yue turned and pressed her boobs on him. "How about another round of hot sex?" she asked seductively.

Yan Xiaojun bit her ears and picked her up for another session. He enjoyed every bit of Ying Yue. His hatred for Yang Xinyu fueled his onslaught. He wanted to break Yang Xinyu. He was never interested in Ying Yue. She was just a tool in his hands and he used the tool effectively.

In the night when they retired to bed after having dinner, Yan Xiaojun made a call to City H to enquire about the situation following Ying Yue's disappearance. The caller informed him that Yang Xinyu had created a huge ruckus at Ying Yue house. However, the caller didn't know what happened after that. Yan Xiaojun wasn't interested. Although he didn't tell anything to Ying Yue, she also never bothered. To her it was a closed chapter. She didn't want to meet Yang Xinyu. She had started weaving her plans with Yan Xiaojun… she thought that after tomorrow she would start a new episode of her life in the beautiful Balkan Mountains…