The Procedure and Vladimir Yankov

Soon they were again on the bumpy road on their way to the town. The town was very small with only a few hundred inhabitants. Everybody knew everybody! On asking about Miloje, they were directed to a small house with a garden in front.

The house was dimply lit and a man was sitting outside enjoying a cigar. He was making smoky rings at leisure. When he heard a car approaching his house, he got up from his chair. He knew the guests. The car stopped in front of the house. Miloje came to greet his guests and took them inside. He was grinning!

His house was very small and Yan Xiaojun and Ying Yue disliked spending their time over there. They wanted an early exit.

Miloje had prepared two local dishes for them, which were very tasty and that was the only reason why they stayed longer than usual. He sure was a great cook!

Over the small conversation they had, he informed that his boss will be coming to visit the town in two days and would be delighted to meet them.

They agreed. After all they were in Bulgaria for four days more and then would go back. So what was the harm in meeting?

They left as soon as possible and came back to the guesthouse by 9:30pm. Ying Yue changed and went to bed. She was nervous about the next day…


Yan Xiaojun took her for the procedure to the hospital in the morning. The doctor was already there. He took her inside the operation theatre. The procedure was over within half an hour. Since Ying Yue was unconscious, Yan Xiaojun had to wait for her to wake up before leaving.

Ying Yue's general anesthesia effect wore off in an hour. Although she felt groggy, she managed to get up. Yan Xiaojun helped her to walk to the car and they drove back to the guesthouse.

Ying Yue was flooded with a plethora of emotions. She had betrayed Yang Xinyu. She didn't want the baby… She started crying.

Yan Xiaojun silently drove the car and didn't try to comfort Ying Yue. It was a very passive day for them… He hardly paid attention to her…

Ying Yue rested for two days and felt better. In the meanwhile Yan Xiaojun went for a trek in the Balkan Mountains. He would go in the morning and return in the evening. The first day when he returned back to the guesthouse, he went to see Ying Yue and found that she was sleeping. She looked okay overall so he didn't disturb her. He had already instructed the guesthouse owner to take care of her.

On the second day he didn't return to the room in the evening, rather he went to the room with huge glass windows. Tonight he had plans with Rosa to watch the stars as they had fun.

When he had come back from the trek he took a quick shower and waited for Rosa. But Rosa didn't come until ten. Upset at her behavior, Yan Xiaojun tossed and turned in his bed and eventually slept. He was already very tired from his expedition.

When he woke up in the morning next day it was half past ten. He saw around the room and became upset realizing that Rosa hadn't turn up.

He went back to his room and saw that Ying Yue was already up. She was having her breakfast.

Nonchalantly he asked about her health, and then went to take bath.

Since there wasn't much to do, they spent time watching TV.

Ying Yue was looking outside the window when she heard commotion in the alley of the guesthouse. Outside the window she saw that almost twenty men dressed in black pants and shirts had surrounded their room. They were all armed with different types of guns. Ying Yue got scared and said, "Yan Xiaojun take a look outside. What is happening? What are these men doing?"

Before Yan Xiaojun could answer, their room door opened and the guesthouse owner stepped in. Following him was a very handsome middle-aged man who bore a king's aura. Miloje was right behind him. Five bodyguards who were all dressed in black surrounded the handsome man. It was like a Hollywood movie setup! The men were laced with refined weapons and had attached earpieces. They were so alert that they wouldn't miss shooting down a fly if it was hovering around.

Ying Yue and Yan Xiaojun were shocked! They remain frozen in their seats with mind numbing expressions. The whole thing happened in a dreamlike sequence. They were all the more surprised by the fact that Miloje was part of this sequence. What were his motives?

Miloje saw the expressions on their face and chuckled. He stepped forward to introduce the handsome man in order to allay their fears. "Good afternoon. How are you? This is Vladimir Yankov, the friend I had mentioned about. He really wanted to meet you." Miloje smiled as he introduced.

Vladimir Yankov came in front and bowed his head. Both Ying Yue and Yan Xiaojun sprung from their places and bowed their heads. This was the first time someone had greeted them in their traditional style.

Vladimir Yankov was a burly looking man with a height of six feet and three inches. He was towering above the rest of his men. He was ridiculously good looking. Not only did he look tough and strong, his confidence and masculinity was oozing out of his system. His intelligent eyes were gleaming on his face. He had the classic square jaw that was complemented by thick luscious lips. He had a simple hairstyle. All his hair was gelled and combed back but a strand would come loose and fall on his tall forehead. Over his square shoulders hung a black overcoat. A red muffler was tied around his neck and he looked impeccably groomed.

Ying Yue gulped at this handsomest man she had ever seen in her life!