Hot Topic of the News Channels

Yang Xinyu had read the tabloids by that time and he came running to Wu Lina's cubicle. When he didn't find her there, he asked her neighbor, "Where is she?"

"I saw her going with Zhou Zhili," she replied.

"Where?" He prodded.

"I don't know…" She was clueless.

Yang Xinyu thought of going toward the lounge when he happened to cross the coffee room. He heard the girls mocking at her. He opened the door of the coffee room loudly. He glared at the girls making them shrink in fear.

"Sorry CEO Xinyu, we saw that Wu Lina wasn't feeling well, so we came to help her…" said the one who was their leader.

Suppressing his desire to slap her, Yang Xinyu came near Wu Lina, picked her in his arms like a prince in shining armor and carried her out of the room. Everyone in the office was looking at them in disbelief, as if a movie was rolling out in front of their eyes live. Wu Lina wrapped her arms around his neck and hid her face in his chest.

Not giving a damn to the world, Yang Xinyu carried her all the way to the lounge, opened it's door and gently put her on the bed. He sat down next to her.

Wu Lina who was crying uncontrollably, now hugged Yang Xinyu and held him tightly. "Do you know what this means?" She told him.

Without waiting for him to answer she said, "This means that I will be put behind bars for breaching the contract your mother made all the hospital employees sign during your treatment.

"You don't know but the contract your mother has made for us has shackled me… I am not allowed to love you… I told you in the beginning when you came back to me that we cannot have a life together... This contract is the main reason. Let's break up Xinyu…

"I think I failed to understand the repercussions of going out with you. But I was so excited to be with you that I forgot about it…" She was choking on words now. She knew her journey to hell had started.

Her tears wet Yang Xinyu's shirt but he didn't feel any discomfort. He caressed her hair and patted her on the back. He kissed her head and tried to reassure her. He held her face and wiped her tears.

"Look at me Lina," he said forcing her chin up.

She looked at him with her teary eyes and puffy lips. He kissed her lightly on the lips and said, "Do you think I am so weak that a contract like that will hurt our relationship? Do you think I cannot protect you from this contract? Is it so easy to mess with a person like me even if that is my mother?"

"I will fight for you from moon to earth. You belong to me and that is the only truth. Remember it. No one… and I mean no one… is allowed to come in between us. I will tackle with this situation. Please trust me." He said with resoluteness.

However, her fear of going behind the bars was killing her insides. Sensing his determination Wu Lina plucked some courage and held him closer. But she was too afraid to go to the office. She didn't want to become a spectacle.

So Yang Xinyu suggested her to stay in the lounge. It was too risky for her to go to her apartment now. He was afraid that the media would soon find out where she lives and the paparazzi will make her life a living hell until their relationship is formally announced.

He really wanted to announce it to the world but not in this way. There were too many issues to take care of and his mother created the biggest one…

He sat next to her and assured her till she eased down. She cried so hard that she ran out of tears and she let out dry heaves trying to catch her breath. Yang XInyu was feeling helpless. He wanted to comfort her and console her. He called Zhou Zhili and asked her to cancel all meetings till afternoon. He wanted to remain by her side.

After crying for what seemed like a century, Wu Lina slept in his arms like a baby. He lowered her on the pillow and covered her with the blanket.

Yang Xinyu called his company's lawyer to the office.

He left a note for her on the bedside table, 'I am going to the office. Please don't come down.'

When Yang Xinyu went down he could feel every employee's gaze boring a hole in him.

He went to his office to find that Hua Jiefeng was waiting for him.

"Good morning CEO Yang," he said.

"Did you read the contract?" He asked.

"Yes, I have," he replied with confidence.

"What are your views about it?" Asked Yang Xinyu.

Hua Jiefeng was perplexed when Yang Xinyu had sent him the contract to read in the morning. It sure must have been an urgent document otherwise the CEO wouldn't have taken personal interest. He would have asked one of his secretaries to deliver it to him. So before coming to the office he had read the contract carefully memorizing every detail.

It took him an hour to finish reading the contract and after that Hua Jiefeng went to take a shower. His wife had prepared morning tea for him. They were sitting in the balcony of their house and reading newspapers when Hua Jiefeng suddenly saw the photographs of CEO Yang holding hand with a girl in the amusement park. In shock Hua Jiefeng gulped the hot tea burning his palate and choking at the same time!

He had never in his life imagined that Yang Xinyu would ever fall in love after Ying Yue deserted him a few months back. He stared at the big and bold captions "CEO Yang Has Taken Fancy to a Teenager"!

He switched on the morning news on TV only to find that 'CEO Yang and his Girlfriend' was the hot topic of all the news channels!

One of the channels was even debating as to why old men become interested in young girls or why young girls are looking for sugar daddies!