Committed a Mistake

When she opened the door, he took her in his embrace… smelling her, cherishing her as he walked her inside. She hadn't slept and her eyes beamed with joy. She saw from the corner of her eyes that he had got his luggage with him. He went inside her bedroom and she rolled his luggage in.

He was too tired to even take out his clothes so he crashed onto her bed and went off to sleep. She helped him take out his shoes and blazer. She removed his belt and opened the first two buttons of his shirt. Then came to lie down by his side. Sensing her presence he automatically curled his arms around her and pulled her closer. Sometime during the night Wu Lina climbed on his body…

Wu Lina woke up at half past eight. She slowly got up from his chest so that he wouldn't get disturbed and went to the bathroom. Yang Xinyu turned to his side without showing any signs of waking up. Wu Lina took bath, prepared breakfast for both of them, but Yang Xinyu hadn't woken up.