They Don’t Like Me?

Warning - Mature content ahead!

"You see the lounge is very small," he said snuggling into her and then tickling her jokingly.

Wu Lina laughed and laughed until she surrendered.

"Okay, okay! I give up", she said.

Yang Xinyu left her and looked at her fondly. "Someone was biting her bottom lips…" he pressed her on the mattress and savagely chewed on her lips. After placing a tender kiss on the swollen lips, he dipped his head in her neck.

"Yang. Xinyu. No." She laughed.

He took his hand to her breasts and squeezed them hard making her yelp. That was it! He got up and removed her shirt and the pajamas. Pressing her again on the mattress he went down to suck her nipples, which were now puckered. While Yang Xinyu was harshly sucking her nipple, his hand traveled between her thighs. He left the nipple and went to the neighboring one and rolled his tongue around it making Wu Lina moan in pleasure.