House of Fengs

Next day was a Friday. The HR department of the Yang Corporation had instructed Yang Xinyu not to let Wu Lina go out without an escort. They had arranged for her security and she was asked not to go unattended, as they were anticipating press to follow her. Yang Xinyu took leave from his work as he had a lot of things to do, the most important one was to move to his penthouse. It wasn't as if he had to personally oversee it but he wanted to be involved in it. His beautiful life was about to get started.

Ideally he would have loved to move with Wu Lina to the Yang Mansion but was wary of his mother…

Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu woke up late at about 10am. Over breakfast Yang Xinyu told Wu Lina about his plans for the day.

"We will be going to our penthouse today."

"Not ours, yours…"

Agitated by her Yang Xinyu glared and said, "Whatever is mine is yours too."

"Not until we are married…" said Wu Lina sipping jasmine tea.