Otherwise, I’ll Take You Again

When Ying Yue read the message that was personally sent by Yang Xinyu, she felt bitter. Wu Lina had taken over both her worlds. Stroking the side of her lips gently, she remembered how Yan Xiaojun had hit her across the face because of Wu Lina. Her life had turned upside down. She flicked her hair, carelessly revealing the diamond earrings. Her face was contorted with rage and jealousy. Lighting a cigarette, she puffed out smoke rings and decided to make a call.

Wu Lina was resting when she received an anonymous call. Yang Xinyu was having his lunch so she was alone in the bedroom. She picked the call, "Hello."

There was a brief gasp on the other side and a female voice came through, "Wu Lina?"


"This is Ying Yue here."

Wu Lina was utterly shocked. She could never in her dreams imagine that Ying Yue would call her. She didn't know how to react.

"Hello… What do you want?" Wu Lina asked, her tone as solemn as her furrowed brows.

"I wanted to meet you."