Meeting Her Nemesis

Wu Lina looked at the ring excitedly before keeping it in her purse. She exited the shop and along with Zhou Zhili, they went to have light snacks in an upscale restaurant. Even though Wu Lina was having a light meal with Zhou Zhili who was constantly chirping away, she couldn't help thinking about her meeting with Ying Yue. She became nervous but didn't let her emotions surface. Zhou Zhili left at 12:45pm sharp after settling the bills so that she could reach the office in time, which was an hour away from the mall.

Wu Lina left that place to walk towards the Italian restaurant where she was supposed to meet Ying Yue. The bodyguards followed her. While the bodyguards stayed outside, she went in. The restaurant had few scattered guests around. To her surprise, Ying Yue was already present there. The table where she was sitting was pretty aloof. Seeing her, Wu Lina frowned. Her stomach developed knots and she wanted to turn away. But she kept walking until she reached the table.