My Eyes Will be on You

Vladimir looked at his daughter who was now smiling. "What do you want, Lina?" he asked omitting 'Wu' from her name?"

Wu Lina smiled and said, "Let them go. I have no issues whatsoever now."

He smiled back at her benevolently and patted her head, "Okay."

Wenqian breathed a sigh of relief, as she knew fully well what Vladimir was capable of doing.

"I would like to officially make you my daughter, Lina. You should be known as Lina Yankova, and not Wu Lina," continued Vladimir, feeling a sudden surge of love and affection for his daughter.

Wu Lina panicked a little. She hesitated because she was not sure if Yang Xinyu would accept her if he came to know who her father was. But the idea was extremely appealing to her.