The Engagement (4)

She focused closely and her eyes opened wide when she realized that the man was none other than Yan Xiaojun. The way he was leaning it seemed as if he was drunk. He was having trouble maintaining his balance.

Abruptly, the lights of the house went off and soft rhythmic started. Ying Yue took advantage and hid herself in a corner outside. She saw that Yan Xiaojun stumbled towards the house. He somehow reached the entrance and sneaked inside.


When he reached inside there was dance going on. He was so drunk that he leaned against a table to balance himself. When the dance stopped, the room was brightly lit. He put his hands over his eyes as the lights blinded him. Then slowly he focused back. He was looking for Wu Lina. He didn't have to look much as she was standing right next to Yang Xinyu. When she saw him she exclaimed, "Lai Mingxing!"