The Wedding (3)

Yang Xinyu was looking like a king in his black suit and a bowtie. The white shirt beneath the coat had collar, which was lined with diamonds. The reflection of the diamonds was making his already white flawless skin all the more beautiful.

He looked at his bride, held her hand softly and they went to the elevator. He couldn't take his eyes off from her. Although the stylist was present in the elevator, he couldn't help himself. He bent down and kissed his bride stealing some of her red lipstick. It was the stylist who felt hot in the closed elevator!

They left in separate cars.

Wu Lina arrived earlier and she was escorted backstage. All the guests had arrived. Dressed in Dolce and Gabbana, Lawrence Steele, Armani and various other exclusive brands, the guests were almost competing with each other. They had taken their seats and were waiting for the bride and the groom while chattering amongst themselves.