Priceless Treasure

"Oh! I knew the day she became pregnant. I could tell it by the looks of it. In a few days I can even tell the gender of the child," said Mrs. Jiao showing-off her expertise in the area.

Both of them gaped at her.

Mrs. Jiao just shrugged and left the couple to bask in their glory muttering, "Young people these days don't know what we oldies are capable of…"

When she had closed the door behind her, Yang Xinyu said, "Wu Lina, I want to call father!"

Wu Lina nodded with a huge smile. She wanted to call her mother also. However, they decided to first visit the doctor and then call everyone.

Next day in the hospital, the doctor examined Wu Lina physically and said, "Wu Lina you appear absolutely fine. Do you notice anything different?"

"Doctor, I can't eat anything. My stomach cannot hold anything I eat! Please help," said Wu Lina with a long face.