CEO Yang, Your Dinner Will Get Cold

Her spirits were dampened yet again. She got ready slowly. The maid had filled her Jacuzzi with lavender gel and she spent more time than usual for her bath. She looked at her body in the mirror and wondered whether she was getting fat? Was this the reason Yang Xinyu was losing interest in her? The thought pierced through her heart so badly that she felt fresh tears in her eyes. She pressed the bell and a maid entered the bathroom with a towel. She wrapped herself in the towel and went outside to change into something lose.

Her mother couldn't come, as she had to go to her brother's school to collect his report card. The silence of the house was bothering her. She wanted to talk to Yang Xinyu but the call wouldn't connect. In the afternoon, the Chairman came to visit her for the first time after he had heard about her pregnancy. She was so happy and grateful that she kowtowed him.