Zhao Hai Xiang

"Bo Xiali and I are getting married next Sunday!"

"Yay!" Wu Lina jumped out of her chair forgetting that she was pregnant.

"Oh what a great news! Jie, I love you!" Wu Lina was almost breathless.

"One more thing! I am six weeks pregnant!" said Zhou Zhili getting choked with emotions.

Wu Lina couldn't believe it. Her jaw dropped. "When did this happen? I mean you guys were in relationship for just two months."

Zhou Zhili smiled and said, "Yes," very shyly.

Wu Lina had a second dose of laughter that day. She also wanted to announce her pregnancy but refrained, as the Chairman had been extremely secretive about it. They would be releasing an official statement about her later.

"I will come along with Yang Xinyu for the wedding Zhou Zhili. I am so happy about all this!"

The two friends talked about various other things for an hour. When Pān Shīshī's topic came, Zhou Zhili said, "I heard about Pān Shīshī. I was shocked to hear about her audacity to behave to cheaply."