Her Assessment

Rosa was aware of the fact that everyone would question her age appropriate skills. She was crestfallen when she heard the owner suspecting her abilities. She didn't know how to tackle that comment from the owner, so she stayed quiet and stopped in her tracks. She went and stood behind Yan Xiaojun, discouraged thoroughly. She tugged at his shirt and said in a soft voice, "Yan Xiaojun, maybe we should go back. I don't think I am capable of assessing the resort. Maybe you should call experts…" her voice choked.

Yan Xiaojun held her hand and looked in her eyes. "Don't say that ever again. I believe in you, so just do what you think is appropriate. Now go and look around while I talk to the owner. I need you to give me thorough report on what all would you need to revive this resort, and I want the report to be as detailed as possible. Don't think about the expense."